Sunday, June 08, 2008
So long nvr blog liao. Guess some pple even dun bother 2 chk my blog for any update liao. Haha. Once uni starts, b rest assured tat i will start bloggin. Finally, my job has come 2 an end. Finally can heave a sigh of relief. Thinking back, I looked quite comical though when my colleagues told me hw i looked like when i spoke 2 cust, wearing the headset. Talking to the computer in front of me with all the hand gestures and body language. Occasional middle finger gesture. Occasional muting of cust 2 spout vulgarities. Haha
S u can c, up till nw, all my current job experiences are related to customer svc. Thou these exp r nt related to wad i m goin 2 study in uni, i definitely learn alot frm these jobs, frm hw 2 handle customer n hw 2 tolerate all sorts of customer. Without a doubt, there is 1 undeniable fact in tis industry: Customer is always right. Hwever, after dealing with certain customers, i wld always question myself hw true tis statement is.
Insatiable greed. These 2 words sometimes can b used 2 reflect on some of the characteristics certain customers possess. There is always a grp of customers trying 2 find loopholes in the system n unscrupulously exploit these loopholes for their own benefits. Together with their so called rights (Customer is always rights), this grp of customers will eventually savour the taste of victory effortlessly. Hw justifiable this customer's right is?
Consumerism is always about unlimited wants. Let's look at this scenario: customer demands for vouchers. Companies decide to reward these loyal customers wif some high value vouchers. Instead of being appreciative, some of them who are driven by their unlimited wans ask for more vouchers or extend the expiry dates etc ... n this action is backed by their strong belief of tat customer's right.
There are even a grp of customers who obviously make mistake on their own n then they find all sorts of reason 2 blame companies for misleading them despite evidence clearly showed tat staffs did adv customers clearly instead of cheating them. Again, these grp of pple demand their right of way due 2 customers are always right. This is totally absurd.
Nevertheless, there are always nice customers around who will treat u like another human and will heap praises upon you if u do a gd job. At the same time, I feel sometimes the policies and promo implemented by the companies can b quite misleading esp all the terms & conditional the "*" sign behind the Free......... Once u sign the new prdt, tat's it. 2 yrs contract binding u. Hence, if u are interested in any promos, pls read the terms & conditions first and if still nt clear, rmb to clarify with the companies and get the person's name to play safe. Haha.
After all, we are also human and oso hope tat customers at least show us some respect which i feel we do deserve. Yes, sometimes i do agree tat it is our companies' faults. We do understand hw u feel but i feel it is unnecessary for u to just call in and yell at the person who attend to u unreasonably.
Tis yr oso mark a remarkable feat- i finally 21 liao. Haha. Thx u so much for my frens n classmates for turning up for my bday bbq @ aloha changi. Ha very creative of my classmates to use mahjong tiles to form happy bday. Very "creative" way of showing Anthony is arnd by my pw grp mates. Haha tgpwol. Pai sei SJ, Kel, SH and Dog i dozed off tat nite & cant send u all off.
Nw I hav 2 do all those NUS registration thing. Ha b4 sch starts, i already owe pple $$$ liao-DBS. No choice i can onli get my insurance policy $$ in 2011... Nw oso got 1 more P6 students for tuition plus my cousin. Ha i still rmb 2 solve qns via models though i start 2 teach them use simultaneous eqn 2 solve some stupid questions. Tis wk oso hav 2 go for my MSE camp 2D1N. Guess tat will b my onli orientation camp tat i will b goin. Nw oso starts 2 revise my jc wrk a bit s i tik most of them i hav alreadi returned back 2 my teachers. Haiz i still hav 2 sit for my QET nxt fri. Confirm flung with flyin colour. Heard tat @ NTU, if GP C5, no need 2 take. Ha if i knew, shld hav applied NTU instead.
Pai sei alvin cant go the kelong trip wif u all. got 2 save money and @ the same time, i oso going langawi wif relatives during end of july, sadly paying for my own trip. For august, i hav been assigned by "some1" to pick a venue for class outing. Take care n enjoy ureself b4 sch starts. Hope 2 c u all soon.
Monday, March 03, 2008
1 wk wrkin 5 days but life still goes on. Kind of miss my life in sch n army. Ha y humans always liddat wan. when u r wrking n lookin @ pple in the train rush 2 wrk n rush back hme, u miss life in sch n army. when u r schoolin, wrking life n life w/o muggin keep appearing on ure mind... Haiz got 2 keep remindin myself 2 cherish wad i hav nw, enjoy this very moment of ure life n making this as meaningful s possible in ure life.
1 mth into my job liao. i feel like everyday goin 2 wrk is like goin in2 a new battle grnd. Customers will call in 2 "drop bombs" on u for no apparent reasons n worse, bcoz ure dear colleague "plant a mine" in front of the customers' houses. Invisible homing missiles almost constantly flying overhead, seeking endlessly for the right department, right person 2 fly 2. In this "battlefield", i have to be prudent n vigilant. 所谓一着不慎,满盘皆输, one wrong step, one wrong decision, one wrong click i will land myself in Anti-Personnel mine...
1 mth into my job has sort of allow me 2 c different type of pple n negative side of pple. Lack of patience, rude, greedy, irresponsible, selfish, inconsiderate. Guess in the customer svc sector these will b common faces of the pple that you will stumble upon. No matter wad they can always put the blame on me as i have 2 take the blame... Sometimes, even ure colleagues frm the other department can even b the black sheep... Simply dun do his/her job n tik he is zhang san feng, use taiji divert his job here & there. Let's face it... tis is the harsh reality of the wrkg society
Luckily there is always a grp of nice colleagues in ure department 2 share ure stories with n share the same frustration with you when dealing with a particular customers. they r also the 1 who can realli put themselves in2 ureselves. W/o one another, i dun tik there won't be any call centres left in this customer svc industry in which the expectation is always soaring high.
Hweva, so far tis job i still like it. Realli train my patience n my phone etiquette n ure analytical skills n hav 2 constantly come up wif ways 2 solve the cust issue. realli hone my interaction n interpersonal skills. all of these will b definitely b great help 2 me in the future ba, be it in my studies or wrk. anw will b havin a 1 nite chalet for my birthday celebration in may. got 2 bk it soon liao. Ha let's look 4ward 2 it ba....
Thursday, February 21, 2008
So long nvr blog liao. Guess i becomin lazy liao. kk juz a quick update.
1st wk of jan b4 i start wrk went class chalet. Sorry guys the budget nt enuff still need u all 2 fork out additional $$. Realli got 2 thx those 4 makin an effort 2 come. Hopefully tis yr we can hav another 1.
Soon after tat start my new wrk n start trng for 4 wks. trng quite slack oso everyday 9-5 learn abt all the mobile ctrt, diff charges n all the systems n hw 2 handle cust. Train until i like walkin mobile encyclopedia. Durin the course, get 2 noe all the guys in the course. all oso juz ord. Ha one of them is my psp game supplier. We keep tradin game via memory sticks.
Soon trng over n we were thrown into hell. Ha the trng rm n the call centre is a total diff. U will encounter all sorts of things. can even hav pple call in 2 ask u for m1 htline number. haha. Then there will b customers call in n realli "ask abt" ure mother, ure father n ure brother. wad 2 do. customer always right lor. Nw still ok but juz b4 i go hme everyday, confirm will receive a hairdryer treatment call frm cust who blast @ me like there is no 2ml for things i nvr even do for him n i hav nt offended him or served him b4....
Soon chi new yr came n poor me got 2 wrk on the day b4 chi new yr frm 9.30-7pm. bloody hell tat day all the chi go hme @ 5 n left me 2 fend for myself against the onslaught of chi calls... Luckily i still can go back in time 4 my reunion diner. Tis yr my luck nt so gd lose abt $10 due 2 mahjong n BlackJack. haiz den third day of CNY got 2 wrk liao... Machaim peon again. WRK WRK!!!
Ha nw my life is like wrk, go hme, use com, play psp, slp. Den wkend slp, play psp, go out play billiard. wan 2 gym oso no mood dunno y. Guess lazy again... Den nw oso got 2 tuition my P5 cousin n the most awesome thing he say is tat he wan 2 go Norm Academic. He is literally pouring coldwater onto despite me spendin time n effort, hoping tat he will go in2 a gd sec sch...
Frm nw 2 uni starts, guess wiill b wrkin until june or july b4 i go o/seas 2 take a break again. May oso got 2 save $$ for my 21st bday celebration. Got 2 save n allocate time 4 my drivin oso...
Haiz time n tide wait for no man...
Friday, December 21, 2007
Finally i got a job @ singtel call centre @ serangoon s customer service officer. Nxt time in feb if u call 1627 u might hav a chance 2 tok 2 me. Haha. Pay wise is comparable 2 daren's n lummy's wan xcept less 1.50... Hweva, i will onli start wrk on 8 Jan onli which means i hav 2 cope wif 2 more wks liddat wif veri limited money 2 spend.
Hweva it is exhilarating for me 2 get a job @ last. S usual, i wld prepare a script n turn up 4 the interview. Guess i hav gone 4 alot of interviews liao which led to me being veri composed n relaxed. The interviewer was quite gd n nvr specifically make the interview difficult 4 me. It was quite conspicuous when she is veri interested in my Giordano wrking exp. Hweva, 2wards the end, it was a total sian ji bua ans tat she will onli giv me an ans by 1st wk of Jan...
So i was like quite disenchanted n left the place. The wk b4, my another recruit agency sent in my resume 2 Starhub 2 apply 4 this same job n they say starhub veri efficient n will get back 2 me within 5 days. Hweva, @ tat time they still had nt got back to me. B4 i came 2 tis interview, i alreadi felt wrking 4 starhub is far-fetched liao n nvr did i realise tat the situation will b the same after the singtel interview.
When i was on bus heading back 2 AMK, my fren frm the recruit agency called me n enquired abt the progress of my interview. I told him satisfactory but still waitin for singtel confirmation. Den 2 my astonishment, he said they accepted u liao n asked me 2 bring my bank bk n come 2 his office 2 sign the 6 mths contract. Testament to my exp in Giordano, guess i was thus given tis job ba. This totally enlivened up my gloomy day.I felt tat it is definitely preposterous if i stall tis contract n wait 4 starhub reply n let the foolish incident of lab tech n bank job recurred again. Hence, without much consideration, i headed dwn 2 my fren's office 2 sign the contract.
Intriguingly, another career agency no appeared in my hp. It ended up my another recruit agency called 2 tell me tat starhub wan 2 hav an interview wif me nxt wk. ARGH i almost bang my head on the wall. I wld b sufferin a loss of 100-200 bucks a mth, compared 2 the starhub job. Contract alreadi signed liao wad can i do. Suck thumb lor. Suay tat i miss out tis rare opportunity n yet lucky @ the same time tat both company offer me opportunities 2 wrk wif them.
Sian these few wks @ hme. Onli swim, gym, play rakion onli. Wad 2 do? No money 2 spend. Haiz... Luckily nxt wk start my cousin P5 maths tuition. @ least got something 2 occupy me more meaningfully. Anw guess the tuition i wont b chargin my uncle money ba. Abt 2 more wks 2 class chalet n my job. Pls intro me any veri temp job 4 one or 2 wks if u all hav any lobangs. Thx alot.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Nice movie. Muz watch. Sort of my childhood fav show. Haha my childhood so bloody rite. 1st five min of the movie. Will b released in 1st january 2008.
Just bought a new com wif my brother. Dunno y my bro wan 2 invest so much on the com but i onli pay him $300 bucks 1st. Rest i will pay him slowly n get him a watch oso but onli if i START WORKIN......

Haiz everyday rot @ hme or go gym. Bank acc left wif the pathetic sum of $9 onli... Lookin 4 job but 2 no avail. Guess it is my fault. Picky abt tis nt 6 mth contract, this pay nt $7 a hr dun wan... In addition, guess my luck nt there oso. Haiz this wk tot i can start wrk liao but 2 my astonishment no.
Last wk i went for a bank interview n they ask me 2 go hme wait 4 result... @ the same time, jeremy who is wrking s lab technician says his lab faces a shortage of manpwr n his manager is intending 2 hire another lab technician. Honestly speaking, I wld prefer the lab technician job than the bank job. Most imptly, It is related 2 wad i studyin in university, dealin wif lab wrk n chemicals. 2ndly, i can wrk with my fren.
Therefore i went for the interview. Suay suay the bank accepted me but i told them 2 wait s i realli need some serious consideration. At the mean time, the lab manager says he wld like 2 hire me but he needs 2 seek approval frm his president. Hence, i got 2 wait 4 his response n procrastinate my confirmation of the bank job 2 a later date. Very mean rite treat the bank job s a back up........ Yah n guess because of this i get my well deserved retribution....
The president wan 2 cut cost so cant afford 2 hire another lab tech. Guess he realli wan 2 fully max out the current employees in the lab... Guess he 4got abt the law of diminishin marginal return... Unfortunately, the bank cant wait liao n they got a PERMANENT staff 2 replace me...... 1stly, i tried 2 out smart the bank by makin the dire situation i facing advantageous 2 me, making the best out of it, tikin i got the upperhand... 事事难于意料,我的如意算盘结果被识破. In the end, i m just another gd learning example of loser... Haiz... It realli makes my day. Realli wan 2 bang myself against my wall. Angst n total disappointment... Wad a crisis.
Just apply for the call center job daren n lummy in nw n lookin 4 others oso. Hopefully can get in n start wrk frm jan 7. At the mean time, will b workin wif ghim kui some super temporary surveyor job frm fri 2 nxt tues which will fetch abt 200 plus ba. Better than nothing n @ least it will enable 2 survive thru christmas n new yr.
Anw yesterday went 2 aloha changi 4 the fitness reunion. Up 2 the J8 batch came back. So fast i m upgraded 2 the J4 batch. Quite a no of pple went back. (Gk, fujin, jm, andy, weehon, huihan, yenmei & vicki) Nice 4 all of us 2 meet up once a while 2 catch up with one another. It is realli heart warming 2 c hw fitness club has been successful for quite a no of yrs despite facin an ominous change nxt yr...
Anw fujin made a comment abt me which is realli right. It is abt me when i tok 2 others i will nt b able 2 maintain eye contact wan. I will just look dwn, left or right after a while no matter who i m tokin 2. Guess most of u all hav alreadi experienced tis b4 when tokin 2 me. I m nt tryin 2 b rude but tis has been bad habit since young but I will try my utmost 2 change, just like my spouting of vulgarities.
Haiz Eric ar Eric ar. This type of thing u cant do n u cant even get a job nw.... Get a grip on ureself ba....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Pai sei 4 nt bloggin 4 so long. Just came back frm taiwan a wk ago but dun tik i will share wif u all s i decided 2 share tis taiwan trip wif my class chalet durin the sharin session. Guess taiwan is a pretty gd ctry 2 visit n durin the sharin session dun tik i shld bore the gers much wif my army experiences ba. Howevea, if any1 wan 2 noe anything like where 2 go & dun waste time goin, where fun 2 go in taipei, feel free 2 ask me. Hopefully i can enlighten u abit although i m nt a taipei guru.
My trip costs $670. Den i spent abt $480 worth of singapore money on gettin a teddy bear out of a 2pid machine, food, hot spring, transport, zoo entrance fee, muay chee, pineapple tart, puma shoe, tommy hilfiger long sleeve, tea leaves, almond powder, dried scallops etc. The whole trip costs abt $1150 ba but the trip is veri worthswhile n enjoyable.
Haiz nw i like very poor liao. Bcoz of tat trip, $300 2 invest in my bro new desktop & a new nokia 6120 for me, my bank left $69... 2 make things worse, i cant get a job @ the moment... Morale totally rock bottom.
Nw i m machaim the peon in WC3, keep sayin:" Work work!", walkin arnd desperately lookin for some1 2 giv me job... End up guess i m like a peon stuck in the orc burrow...
Quite a no of job agencies r tryin 2 help me source but up till now to no avail. Last interview wif starhub 4 credit ctrl officer job kena rejected. I was quite upset & hav no mood 2 do anything. Quite alot of pple arnd me r wrkin while i m still lazin arnd... 1stly i need $$ n most imptly $$ for my drivin after just passin my BDT. 2ndly, i dunno wad 2 do wif so much free time suddenly without spendin much $$. 3rdly, it has been a while since i stopped wrkin.. & my workaholic attitude is comin back n i realli cant tolerate anymore... Really veri angst & troubled... Hopefully i can get another interview soon...
Haiz nw got so much time until i can go read other pple's blog n realise quite alot of pple oso quite busy oso nvr update. Read until i stumbled upon this:
Living it up to the sgt who sleeps ard, I've slept wif Zhong Liang, Darren, Eric, Janmeet, Melvin, Ming Ze, Gabriel, Joel, Yan Hong, Yew Boon, Alvin, Shi Yuan, Xuan Zheng, Wilson Chua, Anthony n Gang, Randall n Gang. Wahhh. u all didn noe rite.. lol... I often neglect my bed buddy wilson.. U all noe y?
Because I'm always sleeping wif Eric!!! My Ke Ai!!
Omg i almost fell off my chair lor. Nvm den follow by this:
I missed my Ke Ai the most. Because he is ther when i need someone to talk to. Makes me smile when I'm upset. Make me angry when I'm happy.. lol.. The worst thing is before he left 4 taiwan, he didn even call me. When I called him, he didn even answer my phone.. Now come back liao still didn tell me.. My wishful thinking we were good frens... Hai.. Suan le..
Wah again i almost fell off my chair. Wah said until liddat. But i feel sorry abt it oso.
Haiz sorry pple. Tis wk after comin back 2 taiwan, the job searchin thing n being rejected realli made me moody n sian. I will make ammendments. Sorry guys again...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Finally it is time 4 me to go on a 5 day break frm Singapore. Taiwan here i come. Pai sei this few wks nothing much to blog. @ the same time, i was quite busy lookin for jobs after i ORD. Pai sei 2 alvin, aaron & jm for nt realli helpin much in the chalet plannin tis wk. C ya all soon.